David Zapatka, State Games of America Gold Medalist and 3X USAPA National Tournament Medalist
“The East Valley Interclub League promised and delivered exciting team pickleball play. I joined a team and was hooked! Playing APPL the past two seasons has been fantastic. The team concept was long overdue in our sport. Competition is excellent.
“The play format is brilliant! Excited spectators cheer for their team at home and away courts. It’s great fun for all levels.”

JR Cuppett, Captain, Men’s 3.5 team, The NOMADS
“This is the first time for any organized pickleball team play for the guys on my roster. They absolutely loved the team concept, found it very competitive and got their money’s worth.
“Tournament play is not for everyone. To be able to play competitively on a weekly basis at a cost for the whole season that is ¼ the cost for one tournament is ideal.”

John-Scott Dixon, Captain, Men’s 3.0 Pecos Park Team
“As a beginning player at the start of the season last year, the big challenge was finding other beginners who wanted to play on a consistent basis. The league gave me 12 other players willing to practice weekly. That would have been well worth the small price of admission, but we also had six competitive matches.
“Out of our team of 13, five of us continue to play almost daily. And four of us bought a pickleball machine to help us improve. I’ve attended birthday parties for people I didn’t know a year ago. It has been a fantastic experience in every way. Thank you APPL!!!”

Priscilla Scott, Southern Region Team Captain “Southsiders”
“It was great fun playing every week against players from other communities or clubs in the area. I do not play tournaments anymore. APPL provided good competition and it was very inexpensive.”