This form requests a change in a player's APPL Index for the next APPL season. The Captain must complete this form for their player. The Captain is requesting this change as they believe the APPL Index does not reflect the player's rating. NOTE: Please complete this form in one sitting as the form cannot be saved and completed later. The ideal appeal is data-driven and compelling. Please provide as much information as possible. The Central Appeal Committee will review the information. Note that this is not the AUTOMATIC VARIANCE DECLARATION. Please use the 2025 Player Automatic Variance Declaration found in Player Resources to submit your declaration. Please allow two (2) weeks for the appeal to be processed. The Captain will be notified by email of the decision. Successful APPL Index Appeals are valid for one year or until the next player registration, whichever comes first.

Captain Information

Your information as captain of the team
Captain's Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter your email
Enter your phone number in case we need to contact you regarding the appeal

Team Information

Information about the team the player will play on
Enter the Region for the Team
Enter the Team Name the player will register for
Enter the team's flight type
Enter the team's flight skill level
Enter the team's flight Age level

Player Information

Information about the player you are appealing the rating for
Player's Name(Required)
Enter player's current 3 digit APPL index. (for example 3.49 or 4.02)
Please enter a number from 2.00 to 6.00.
I want to appeal this player's APPL Index to:
Enter the number of APPL seasons in which this player has participated.
Appeal Reason(Required)
Select the primary reason for the appeal


Enter the APPL Statistics for all of the Player's (last season's) gender and mixed teams. If the player only participated on one team, enter the information in the appropriate section.
State Tourney Data(Required)
Did the player participate in the APPL State Tournament last season? If yes, complete the additional State Tourney Data for the player.
Complete if the player played on a team in the APPL 2024 State Championship
Complete if the player played on a team in the APPL 2024 State Championship
Complete if the player played on a team in the APPL 2024 State Championship
Complete if the player played on a team in the APPL 2024 State Championship

APPL Statistics may be found in the Pickleball Scores Regional Website using the ARCHIVES tab near the top of the landing page.

Enter the number of APPL games (not matches) the player played last season. A single match is 6 games.

Team 1 Information (optional)

Enter the first team name the player played on last sason
Select the division of the first team the player played on last season
Select the skill level of the first team the player played on last season
Select the age level of the first team the player played on last season
Enter total games won (GW) for the first team last last season
Enter total games lost (GL) for the first team last season
Select if last season this team was merged with other age groups.
Select if last season this team was merged with other skill level groups.

Team 2 Information (optional)

Leave blank if player only played on one team
Enter the team name of the second team the player played on.
Select the division of the second team the player played on last season
Select the skill level of the second team the player played on last season
Select the age level of the second team the player played on last season
Enter total games won (GW) for the second team last season
Enter total games lost (GL) for the second team last season
Select if last season this team was merged with other age groups.
Select if last season this team was merged with other skill level groups.

Team 3 Information (optional)

Leave blank if player played on only two teams
Enter the team name of the third team the player played on.
Select the division of the third team the player played on last season
Select the skill level of the third team the player played on last season
Select the age level of the third team the player played on last season
Enter total games won (GW) for the third team last season
Enter total games lost (GL) for the third team last season
Select if last season this team was merged with other age groups.
Select if last season this team was merged with other skill level groups.

MEDICAL (optional)

Provide any information (that does not violate the player's privacy) for this appeal.


Enter player's highest current Gender or Mixed DUPR rating
Please enter a number from 2.000 to 6.000.
Enter player's highest current Gender or Mixed UTPR rating
Please enter a number from 2.000 to 6.000.
Enter player's highest current Gender or Mixed Pickleball Brackets rating
Please enter a number from 2.000 to 6.000.

Most Recent Tournament Played

Information about the most recent tournament the player played
Enter the approximate number of tournaments player played in the last 12 months. Enter '0' if no tournaments were played in the last 12 months.

Tourney 1 (optional)

Enter the approximate date of the most recent tournament player played. Leave blank if not applicable.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Tourney 1 Skill Level
Select the skill level(s) played in the most recent tournament
Enter the number of teams in the bracket of the most recent tournament (If Mixed and Gender doubles were played, then the sum total of all teams in both brackets)
Enter the sum total of medals won in the most recent tournament (Gender & Mixed)
Enter the sum total of all games won for all Mixed and Gender matches in the most recent tournament
Enter the sum total of all games lost for all Mixed and Gender matches in the most recent tournament

Tourney 2 (optional)

Second Most Recent Tournament Played

Information about the Second Most Recent tournament the player played
Enter the approximate date of the Second Most Recent tournament player played. Leave blank if never.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Tourney 2 Skill Level
Select the skill level(s) played in the Second Most Recent tournament
Enter the number of teams in the bracket of the Second Most Recent tournament (If Mixed and Gender doubles were played, then the sum total of all teams in both brackets)
Enter the sum total of medals won in the Second Most Recent tournament (Gender & Mixed)
Enter the sum total of all games won for all Mixed and Gender matches in the Second Most Recent tournament
Enter the sum total of all games lost for all Mixed and Gender matches in the Second Most Recent tournament
What is your reasoning behind the APPL Index increase or decrease for the player? Include additional documentation if applicable.
If Appeal is approved, Enter the date the Appeal Index was modified
MM slash DD slash YYYY