We urge players participating in the Arizona Pickleball Players League (APPL) to follow CDC recommendations including giving serious consideration about the merits of the vaccination strategies.  Recognizing that, for various reasons, not all players participating in APPL will be vaccinated and that there is still risk of contracting the virus, vaccinated or not, we strongly encourage players to exercise precaution for the sake of yourselves and others, and avoid prolonged close contact with people outside your “low risk” circle.

APPL recognizes that each Home Court facility may have rules regarding the mitigation of COVID in their community.  These rules are to be followed by the Visiting Team and we suggest that the home team captain communicate these rules to all visiting captains.

 At present, there are no federal, state, or local requirements with regards to the wearing of masks or vaccines. If federal, state, or local requirements change, APPL will implement those changes. APPL will alert teams, captains, and players if this changes during the season.

APPL also reminds players that they compete in the league at their own risk.

See additional information in the Appendix to this policy for guidance related to exposure to a COVID positive player and testing positive.



(These are CDC Guidelines adapted for APPL Pickleball)


Close Contact is defined as being within 6 feet of a positive-tested player for a cumulation of 15 minutes.  It will be assumed that if your APPL playing partner tests COVID positive, then you will have to follow the process described below.

People who are identified as a close contact will need to take steps to manage their exposure according to CDC guidelines. Recommendations for close contacts to quarantine, get tested, and wear a mask after an exposure to COVID-19 will vary depending on vaccination status and history of prior COVID-19 diagnosis within the past 90 days. Follow the recommendations below based on vaccination status or history of prior infection in the past 90 days.

  • People who are unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated should quarantineand get tested immediately after being identified as a close contact. If the test is negative, they should get tested again 5–7 days after last exposure and continue to quarantine. If symptoms develop during quarantine, they should isolate and get tested immediately.
  • People who are fully vaccinatedshould get tested 3-5 days after coming into close contact with someone with COVID-19 and wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days or until they test negative. If symptoms develop, they should isolate and get tested immediately.
  • People who have had COVID-19 within the past 90 days and recoveredshould wear a mask indoors in public for 14 days after exposure, monitor for symptoms, and consult with a healthcare professional for testing recommendations if they develop new symptoms.

To avoid the quarantine/testing process – be mindful of the 6-foot distance between you and ALL other players, including your teammates.

 If, however, you meet the close contact definition, you will be able to return to the courts sooner if you are already vaccinated.

If you test positive

  • We are asking that you alert APPL if you test positive so that we can mitigate the spread among league players. Contact your League Coordinator.
  • APPL officials will discuss with you a plan regarding notification of the appropriate APPL players/captains.
  • Isolate yourself
  • Read the CDC Guidelines in the link below. These particular guidelines address the following:
    1. I think, or I know I had COVID-19, and I had symptoms
    2. I tested positive for COVID-19 but had no symptoms
    3. I was severely ill with COVID-19 or have a weakened immune system

Criteria to Pause APPL play

APPL may temporarily pause regional play if there is have an outbreak of two or more positive tests in the same week. This criteria is similar to what is used in Arizona grade schools.  During the pause APPL will reassess the situation on a region-by-region basis as to what mitigation efforts, if any, are necessary to protect APPL players.